Customer Testimonials

Great Job! Thank you for the wonderful service. -Charles & Sarah B. (Appleton)

Our service technician was Ron; excellent, courteous, friendly; would suggest him to anyone & I have done this. Thanks much! -Bill M. (Green Bay)

When a problem developed, (house smelled hot like something was burning!) your service man got here within an hour even though it was after 5pm on a Friday. He was very efficient and friendly. Very Satisfied. -Dick B. (Green Bay)

I have our furnace checked on a yearly basis and will continue to use Bay Area Services because I trust them. They earned that trust the first time I hired them and they continue a high quality service that I want. I have and will recommend them when asked who we use and how we like them. -Debbie S. (Green Bay)

Always great service and experience when contacting Bay Area Services. They were a partner in our home build and ongoing maintenance. -Jeremy G. (Greenville)

The technician (Ron) tuned up and repaired my furnace very quickly. I was very satisfied. -Paul H. (Green Bay)