Customer Testimonials

Sales people were knowledgable, install was prompt & efficient, good follow-up. -Charles J. (Bonduel)

Excellent contractor. They will continue to have my future business. -Jim V. (Ashwaubenon)

As always, the technician was friendly, knowledgeable and professional. I’m always impressed with their promptness and how they clean up the work area. They do a very thorough job and answer all my questions about my furnace/AC without any pressure to buy things or upgrade. My next units will be from Bay Area Services. -Joe H. (Green Bay)

Very professional personnel, well dressed & groomed and extremely knowledgeable on processes and product line. We’re lucky to by serviced by Bay Area Services. -Guy S. (De Pere)

Entire staff at Bay Area Services has been great! Always professional, prompt & friendly. And the Trane product – Superb! A great overall experience since day 1! -Curtis W. (Appleton)

Very satisfied – have worked with Bay Area Services heating and cooling for many years. Like our newest Trane furnace very much! -Ruth W. (Green Bay)

We have really enjoyed our Trane furnace. Our Trane furnace is very quiet & efficienct. Bay Area Services has provided us with excellent service. We are definately highly satisfied. -William P (De Pere)

I feel more secure now that a reliable, knowlegable and trustworthy technician has checked my heating and air conditioning. Thanks for the great service! -Phyllis B. (Kaukauna)

I have had the service agreement since my home was built in 2002. Bay Area Services is always prompt, accurate and service men are great to deal with. They do not push me to buy things I do not need. All service has been absolutely favorable. -Carol N. (Oconto)

I like the way they are honest about our current system. They help us keep what we have running without pushing for a new system. We know our air conditioner needs replacing soon and we will purchase from Bay Area Services when the time comes and it will be a Trane. Trane has stood by our furnace with their warranty and we are very happy with that. -Jim G. (Green Bay)

Very friendly and knowledgeable. Made us feel at ease dealing with the service call – would definately call again! -Brian D. (Appleton)

I have two units & am very satisfied with the installation and service. -John V. (Green Bay)

Brian was excellent! I would recommend Bay Area Services to anyone for a new install or for service. Very satisfied! -Bob V. (Oneida)